In their own words, see why your fellow union members are voting for Joe.
"America needs to come back together and I believe Joe Biden is the man to do it."
Eric Meadows
Iron Workers, Local 44
"This no time for any of us to sit on the sidelines. We have to get in the game. We have to get in the game for working families, for the labor movement, and for our democracy."
Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO
"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do know how to lead. They have a plan to move us forward and they are laying it out to the American People."
Tim Burga
President, Ohio AFL-CIO
"What are you going to do to make sure your children grow up in an America where we respect each other and protect the rights of workers and every American?"
Melissa Cropper
Secretary/Treasurer, Ohio AFL-CIO
"I know with Joe, he's going to do everything he can to get through this pandemic and help make sure that people like me don't have to worry about protections on the front line."
Steven Brown
Grocery Worker, UFCW, Local 1059
"I'm voting for Joe Biden this November because as a woman I feel it's my responsibility to make sure to support somebody who supports women's rights."
Sheri Baker
UAW, Local 211
"This is a very important election for us, we cannot have Donald Trump as our president for four more years. That's why we need to support and vote for Joe Biden November 3rd."
Terry Mullins
USW, Local 7697
"His Build Back Better plan will invest in all 88 counties here in Ohio. So whether you live in Cincinnati, Dayton, Georgetown or Middletown, his plan will help us all"
Terry Mullins
USW, Local 7697
"I'm voting for Joe Biden because I know we need real change in this country and a man in the house who's gonna take care of working people like me."
Steven Brown
Grocery Worker, UFCW, Local 1059
"President Trump, when you attacked Goodyear, you attacked all of Ohio."
Eric Meadows
Iron Workers, Local 44
"Donald Trump has gone so far as to attack workers from my home state of Ohio when he asked for a boycott from his base on Goodyear tires."
Steven Brown
UFCW, Local 1059
Copyright © 2020 OH AFL-CIO
Paid for by the OH AFL-CIO